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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is defined by a commitment to change while also choosing to accept things the way they are.  The idea follows the line of thinking that, “psychological suffering” is caused by our inner language or cognition. When we are inflexible psychologically we lose a healthy connection with the present moment.

by Gretchen Flores

Have you ever had the "peace that surpasses understanding?"

What is the peace that surpasses understanding?  Is it even possible to have peace when everything seems so upside down and topsy turvy?  I read a lot of mainstream news and non-mainstream news, and to be honest with you there is a great deal of suffering in the world on a daily basis.  My heart hurts to see it.  I sometimes cry when I read the stories.  I listen to the stories told in my office and know that life can be full of heart wrenching pain.  Yet, there is a promise that we can have peace within our hearts that wouldn't otherwise be attained.  

Hold onto the promise that... 

by Gretchen Flores

How to Know if You are With a Narcissist.

Think you could spot a Narcissist from a mile away?  Don’t be so sure!  Narcissists are very charismatic and can seem superbly warm and engaging.  They can be the magnet of the party and they are able to get things done.  They can have world class manners and a style that seems friendly and enjoyable.  Narcissists can be the type that will help you out with anything… at least until you set a healthy boundary. 

by Gretchen Flores

My top 5 Tips to battle Depression

We all have our ups and downs.  When we get down it can feel pretty overwhelming and it can be a long battle to overcome what got you there.  Life beats us down, we neglect our health, we get tired...and depressed.  Here are a few tips to battle the blues:

1.  Probiotics-  Did you know that there is a connection between poor gut health and depression?  There are many ways to add probiotics to your diet; yogurt, Kefir (fermented yogurt drink), supplements.  Make sure your brand is high quality.  Not all brands are the same quality, you could be throwing your money out the window with no good health benefit.   For example, low fat yogurts with

by Gretchen Flores

Stop! Don't Peel!

Stop!  Don't Peel!

Guess where most of the nutrients of a carrot exist?    

The skin or outer layer!  

The power of a crunchy carrot with the skin on, is deliciousness with no guilt!  A satisfying carrot crunch means powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, most of which exist along the outer portion of the carrot where most of us peel it off (collective gasp!).  

Ever wonder why some diet programs say to avoid carrots?  I think it is because most carrots have had many nutrients peeled off by the manufacturer, or you.  Without the peel they are a sweeter variation of veggie.  Those baby carrots are even known to be washed in a bleach solution to keep them fresh...ewe!!!  So not only have they l

by Gretchen Flores

Honey Mustard Recipe

Mmm... mustard!  I can hardly wait for the summer BBQ's!  One of the best part of a good BBQ is a hamburger or hotdog slathered with delicious mustard!

I have been spending a lot of time studying nutrition these days.  I realize how important it is to both physical and mental health.   I love mustard, and can't wait to try different variations on this. I also think it would make a great gift (just add a ribbon to the top of the jar).  


Here it is: 

by Gretchen Flores

Being a mom is hard...but very rewarding.

Being a mom is hard...but very rewarding.

I definitely have down days as a mom.  The contrast between ideal and real is all too evident sometimes.  As mom's we can't help but have a vision for our kiddos that involves their success in school, sports, friendships.  We want to walk around every day as people notice how amazing our kids are, to the point that they can't help but stop us and say, "Your kid is just so wonderful!"  Then in response, you desire to remain humble so you say, "Oh you are too nice," then they 

by Gretchen Flores

"She let herself go..." and Other Annoying Misperceptions.

"She let herself go..." and Other Annoying Misperceptions.

One of the most common issues my female clients face is guilt about taking care of themselves. When I get all up in her grill about self care, phrases such as, "I feel so selfish," "I can't because I feel guilty" start to surface.  

I get really annoyed when I hear the phrase, "She let herself go," because I know that is not the case.  The real issue is that she is putting you first and her family first, her house first, her friends first, meals first, laundry first, groceries first, the kids homework first.  Anyone who asks for help comes first and she comes last (of course this is all done with a smile on her face).  She cares so much about others that she cannot seem to get around to taking care of herself.  She's last on the list and there are only so many hours in the day.  

by Gretchen Flores I lost or finding my way?

Have you ever thought you were on a long detour only to discover that it was all a part of preparing you for something meaningful later on?  There have been times in my life I have wondered, "what the heck am I doing this for?"  Then, years later I see that I needed that skill, or experience, for something God was preparing me to do.

We have choices in those situations;  

  • To express frustration
  • To become discouraged
  • To let bitterness take root
  • To seek God's presence
  • To trust
  • To pray
  • To persevere

Can you think of anything in your life that was preparing you for the future?  Sometimes endurance is what is needed.  We are so used to quick fixes and solutions.  Shoot, you can microwave meals in 5 minutes, go to a drive-through for lunch, pick up ready made pizza.  We sometimes forget that life's lessons don't come that way.  

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other." Romans 15:5

May God bless you on your journey.  



by Gretchen Flores